
So you love your property and the location but struggle with layout day to day? Unsure how to change it to make it work for you and your lifestyle?

We here at Robust Architectural Design love a great challenge to solve!! We start by understanding your needs and then get to work and figure out how to solve the puzzle!!

We think out of the box yet being practical where we can, we try to retain existing building elements where we can to come up with a new layout that suits you and your needs. Whether it be simply relocating or removing walls to open or change the building to your specific needs. Or there just simply isn't enough space we can design an extension to give you more floor space and tie this into your existing property to create a seamless flow between the new and the old like it was always there.

House extension design with new first floor deck
House extension design with new first floor deck

This concept render image shows a new 1st-floor deck addition to increase the upstairs living area with outdoor flow and to maximise coastal views. This project also involves other renovation works including a new bathroom with a new tiled walk-in shower along with minor adjustments of walls in the house to make it more suited to their lifestyle. This project involved working closely with the client and a nominated builder. The new 1st-floor deck is almost completed and ready for use to soak up the sun and the views!!

We love the challenge of renovation design work updating a building to be more functional and usable to suit your needs. We work on various scale projects from minor renovation projects such as bathroom upgrades and new wall openings on a smaller budget. Then also higher-end scale projects with major renovation upgrades.

Renovation design with new exterior facelift with new claddings and a new eye-catching entranceway.
Renovation design with new exterior facelift with new claddings and a new eye-catching entranceway.
Architectural design renovation with a new inviting staircase and new skylights.
Architectural design renovation with a new inviting staircase and new skylights.

A current large-scale renovation project involves changing an existing home to suit the family's needs. This involves a new exterior facelift with new claddings and a new eye catching entranceway. Upgrading the thermal performance with new insulation, high-performance windows, doors and skylights. Internally, a new welcoming and wider staircase and the removal of internal walls throughout the house to reconfigure the room layouts including adding a new ensuite and walk-in wardrobe, along with various other upgrades throughout. Refer to the concept render images which show this concept and is now currently being developed to produce construction drawings.